Year group expectations

Leaders ensure that the curriculum is broad and balanced. This engages pupils and ensures that they make good progress across a wide range of national curriculum subjects. Pupils enjoy singing, which is a strength. There is a diverse range of extra-curricular activities to enrich their experiences, such as community gardening and fundraising, which pupils participate in with enthusiasm.

Ofsted 2017

Meeting the National Curriculum Requirements

Our curriculum has been designed to develop the whole child. We have chosen our teaching and learning topics to promote inquisitive and independent learners with a respect for the local and wider environment.

Through the Early Years Foundation Stage, the children’s learning experiences are based upon the Foundation Stage Framework and Development Matters. We give the children plenty of opportunity to read, write and apply their mathematical understanding within their individual and class interests. As a result our children are confident learners who are growing in independence as they enter Key Stage 1.

Our ongoing assessments ensure that the needs of all our learners are catered for. The subject leaders and staff have designed units of learning that complement and build upon one another. There is a clear progression to enable learning to be deepened over time. We use our Beach Schools provision and our immediate environment to further support the development of our children’s resilience and social skills whilst promoting ecological awareness. Local groups and visitors inspire the children to take an interest in their community and the wider world.

Everything we do is underpinned by our ethos of “nurture, inspire, challenge”, developing lifelong learners ready for a changing world.

Curriculum information for parents

Please see the relevant curriculum documents below which detail the end of year expectations and assessments for each year group. If you would like to see how this curriculum is delivered to your children, including when subjects will be covered, general topic themes and further detail on the curriculum provided, please click on the yellow ‘Curriculum’ banner and then your child’s year group. You will then find the year’s overview.

For further detail regarding our provision for Literacy and Maths please see the ‘Reading, Writing and Maths’ section of our website. For further information on how Phonics is taught, please see ‘Letters and Sounds-Phonics’. If you would like further information please contact the school office to speak to our curriculum leader, Mrs Tighe.

Assessment Information

Please click the following links to find out more about the national expectations for EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2. In EYFS children are assessed against the Early Years Foundation Stage Goals. In Year 1 pupils sit a statutory Phonics screening check and in Year 2 pupils sit SATs in Reading, spelling and Maths, with teacher assessments fed back to parents at the end of the year. In 2023-24 Mill Rythe are using the optional KS1 SATs and assessment frameworks to make judgements at the end of Year 2.

Click here to see the EYFS Framework 2024

Phonics Screening Check Year 1 Information.pdf

End of Year 2 assessment frameworks


We follow the agreed syllabus for Religious Education. ‘Living Difference 4’ was agreed by Hampshire, IOW, Portsmouth and Southampton Councils to ensure all schools have a comprehensive understanding of belief systems across the world.  The two faiths that we cover within our RE sessions are Christianity and Hinduism. However, it is essential to provide children with an overview of other religions and we ensure that key celebrations in each religion are discussed as part of our daily schooling as a matter of course.  If you would like to discuss our RE curriculum or opt your child out of RE sessions, please make an appointment to speak with Mrs Ford.


At parents evenings (please see the school calendar or newsletters for dates) parents of children in Years 1 and 2 will receive the following information regarding their children’s progress:

  • Their social and emotional wellbeing, including their friendships and engagement with learning
  • Whether your child is on track for end of year expectations in Phonics, Reading, Writing and Maths
  • Additional strengths surrounding your child’s engagement and achievement within foundation subjects (e.g. Art, Geography, History)
  • Further information regarding interventions and additional support within school
  • A handy guide to helping at home with a next step for your child

Parents of children in our Reception classes will receive the following information regarding their children’s progress:

  • Their social and emotional wellbeing, including their friendships and engagement with learning
  • Whether your child is on track for end of year expectations in Phonics, Reading, Writing and Maths as well as a Good Level of Development
  • Additional strengths in other areas forming the Good Level of Development we are working towards
  • Further information regarding interventions and additional support within school
  • A handy guide to helping at home with a next step for your child

Each parent will also be asked to complete a feedback form to help the school further develop it’s relationships with Parents and Carers.



Foundation learning

Below is a link to our foundation subject Long-Term Overviews. These provide an overview of what your child will study in Science, History, Computing, Geography, Art, Design Technology, Religious Education, Physical Education, Music, Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural sessions. This is a guide to where we teach key skills but may change depending on the needs of the cohort.

Long term overviews – foundation subjects.pdf