Proposal to reduce Published Admission Number
The Governing Body and the Leadership Team of Mill Rythe Infant School propose to reduce the Published Admission Number (PAN) for Reception from 90 to 60, to take effect from September 2025. The proposed change will help our school focus its learning for our youngest pupils and ensure the school makes the best use of the financial resources available to pupils. The Governing Body and staff are working hard to continue to improve the outcomes of all our pupils and feel strongly that the proposed reduction will benefit future outcomes for our children, whilst still enabling us to meet the demand of places. We have a temporary PAN of 60 placed on our current Reception and Year 1 which has been supported by the Local Authority.
We have engaged with Hampshire County Council’s Strategic Planning Team to understand the future projected pupil numbers within the district of Havant and they have confirmed they will still meet their planned requirements once this proposed change has been made. There will be no other changes to the admission arrangements. The proposed change will not affect the current pupils or those who choose to accept an offer for a school place in September 2024.
The PAN consultation has now closed. If you would like to discuss this further please speak to Mrs Tighe or contact the school office.
Admission Policy-2024-2025 – approved by governors.pdf
Admission Policy-2025-2026 – approved by governors.pdf
Links to School Catchment Maps
To find a list of schools in your catchment area please select the link below:
Applying for a Year R and In-Year school place
All on time applications during the normal admissions rounds are considered in accordance with our published Admissions Policy. All applications for a school place made outside of the normal admissions rounds are subject to the same criteria as applications made during the main admissions round and places will be allocated in accordance with our published Admissions Policy. Applications should be made via the Hampshire admissions portal. (see link below). Where parents do not have access to the internet, a paper copy of the application form can be requested from the School Office. Once completed it will then need to be sent to the Hampshire admissions team.
Parents will be notified of the outcome of their In-Year application in writing within 10 school days.
Year R Appeals